Red Ball follow up

Do you have any siblings? 

Yes 1 younger sister 


What do you love and find annoying about them?  

I love how I can boss them around without them saying anything about it. What i find annoying about having a sibling and especially a younger one is having responsibility 


If you had one wish for your sibling what would that wish be?

 To quit purposely being tooooo hyper at night time


How do your siblings make you feel? Never bored 👍

Do you have any siblings? 

Yes 1 younger sister 


What do you love and find annoying about them?  

I love how I can boss them around without them saying anything about it. What i find annoying about having a sibling and especially a younger one is having responsibility 


If you had one wish for your sibling what would that wish be?

 To quit purposely being tooooo hyper at night time


How do your siblings make you feel? Never bored 👍

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